147 Club Goes Global!

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The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) is pleased to announce plans to launch a worldwide club affiliation scheme.

Over the past three years the WPBSA has developed a model to support clubs affiliating to the English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards (EPSB).

The 147 Club scheme has grown to a network of 66 clubs across England and has provided substantial understanding of clubs’ snooker development needs.

Last week the WPBSA unveiled a comprehensive new website, including a global club finder, that will enable clubs everywhere to gain a worldwide profile, alongside a platform to offer more support and guidance to clubs.

Global Community

The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised the global community that exists across our sport, as well as the opportunity to harness the passion for snooker and billiards at club level.

Over the past decade both the growth of the World Snooker Tour and the development work of the WPBSA have strengthened awareness and participation in all levels of our sport across an increasing number of regions worldwide.

Enhancing engagement with clubs throughout this global community will galvanise the WPBSA’s development work and fortify our sport’s drive towards inclusion in international multi-sport events, such as the Olympic and Paralympic games.

WPBSA 147 Club

The WPBSA is putting systems in place to extend the 147 Club scheme to clubs across the world this autumn.

This new worldwide club network will give every type of club and facility the chance to have a profile at its chosen level. Our sport will grow stronger from the grass roots upwards by standardising levels of provision within the club environment.

The scheme will bring together stakeholders in the amateur game all over the world, offering routes into new competitive opportunities through WPBSA and World Snooker Federation events.

EPSB and Other National Federations

The EPSB club affiliation scheme will remain in place and continue to operate as a bespoke scheme.

Its member clubs have already had their full club profiles transferred to the global club finder.

Other national federations for snooker and billiards around the world will have an opportunity to manage their own club scheme within the WPBSA model.

Next Steps

The WPBSA will announce further details in due course on how clubs can affiliate.

An affiliation to the WPBSA will provide clubs with a range of fantastic benefits, including a full profile on the global club finder, containing photos and a detailed club description.

Clubs not wishing to formerly affiliate will be able to register a free, basic profile on the global club finder.

WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson said: “Our plans for a worldwide club scheme will be critical to the continued progress of our development work.

“Clubs are the backbone of our sport and we’ve understood the benefits of creating closer relationships with them.

“We want everyone to see and hear more about the tremendous snooker and billiards activity happening at club level around the world, while ensuring there is good practice and a support mechanism in place to guide further growth.”

Look out for more news about the 147 Club scheme here at wpbsa.com.