Tour Induction

So you have been one of the 128 players who have earned a place on the World Snooker Tour (WST) for the new season, but what happens next?

The WPBSA takes the welfare of all main tour players very seriously and as part of the support that is available a number of key points of information are set out below as part of our tour induction process:

Meet the team


Day to day responsibility of the WPBSA rests with its board, made up of Jason Ferguson, Nigel Mawer, Nigel Oldfield and Mark Davis.

All player related issues will be dealt with by WPBSA Player Relations Manager, Neil Tomkins.

WST Office

If you require assistance from the WST office, please contact the following:

  • Suzanne Goscombe (Entry packs, visa queries and formats)
  • Natasha Hill (Accounts)

World Snooker Tournament Staff

Tournament Directors:

  • Mike Ganley
  • Martin Clark
  • Paul Collier
  • Gary Wilkinson
  • Jan Verhaas
  • Rob Spencer

Event Directors:

  • Rachel Hadley
  • Donna Beresford
  • Katie Oldfield
  • Jason Wilmer

WST (China):

  • Jing Li
  • Maggie Liu
  • Nancy Tian

WST Media:

  • Ivan Hirschowitz
  • Roddy Bisset
  • Sam Fletcher
  • Ollie Slack
  • Chris Stonadge

Entering tournaments

Entry packs for all WST events are sent to eligible players via email. Each event has a deadline for entry and no players are permitted to enter after that deadline has passed.

If you require any further guidance or advice concerning event entry, please contact Suzanne Goscombe at the office.


The WPBSA offers a long haul flight facility in partnership with Travel Counsellors. Learn more about our player benefits.

Waistcoat Logos

  • All logos must be approved by WST (logo application form) before they can be worn in competition.
  • Logos must be a maximum of six square inches.
  • Logos to be worn at events in China must be approved three weeks in advance of the tournament.
  • The event sponsor will generally have brand exclusion on logos, meaning that you cannot wear a logo with a competing brand. This will be specified within each entry pack. See Player Logo Patch Size Chart.

Prize Money

  • Prize money from UK-based events is usually paid into your account within ten working days after the conclusion of a tournament.
  • Prize money paid from overseas can take longer with prize money paid from China taking around 8-10 weeks. Players can request an advance on China prize money which is limited to £1,500 and will be paid the second Friday after the conclusion of a qualifying China event.
  • Prize money is paid to you in the sterling equivalent of any amount determined in the entry pack, converted at the prevailing rate at the time of payment.
  • There will be a levy of 2.5% deducted from all prize money paid which is paid to the WPBSA and help funds the activities of the association.
  • You are responsible for your own tax arrangements.
  • Withholding tax at a rate of around 20% will be deducted from prize money earned in China and this can be offset against UK taxes paid, although you should seek assistance in preparing your tax returns from a specialist.
  • Players must ensure that they submit a bank nomination form to Natasha Hill declaring the bank details that they wish prize money to be paid into. No prize money can be paid without a bank nomination form signed by a player.

Dress Code

The official WPBSA Dress Code Guidelines are available to view online.

  • A long-sleeved shirt, waistcoat & bow tie with tailored trousers & shoes should be worn unless otherwise stated in the event entry pack.
  • Non-adherence to the dress code will result in a breach of the WSL players contract appendix 1 section 3.b. For the avoidance of doubt, WSL considers the appropriate sanction in this case to be withdrawal from the tournament without refund of the entry fee as well as reserving the right to refer the individual to the WPBSA.

Player Promotion – Helping the WPBSA to help you

The WPBSA aims to help promote you as players and your stories, including through our exclusive WPBSA player profiles.

Please contact WPBSA Head of Communications Matt Huart (@prosnookerblog) either through social media or our contact form to provide him with up to date information to help showcase yourself to fans and sponsors.


The WPBSA remains vigilant in respect of the threat of corruption to snooker.

Players are strongly urged to read the information provided at the Governance section of this website, in particular having regard to the following:

WPBSA Members Rules

Any proven breach by a member of the provisions of the betting rules will result in a lengthy ban from involvement in the game of snooker and billiards for that member, save in circumstances where the relevant member can show clear and exceptional mitigation.

  • You cannot bet on any match or aspect of a match in result, score, progress, conduct or any other aspect of the tour and/or any tournament or match;
  • You cannot get anybody else to place a bet as described on your behalf;
  • You cannot be party to any company involved in betting activity;
  • You cannot agree to fix or actually fix a match or any aspect of a match;
  • You must play to the best of your ability in every match you play in.

Inside information

  • You must not provide to any other person any information relating to the tour and/or any tournament or match that you possess because you are involved in the tour and that is not in the public domain or readily accessible by the public;
  • You must not provide information to any person for reward, before or during the tour and/or any tournament, regarding the competitors in a tournament or match, the conditions, tactical considerations or any other aspect of the tournament or match, unless such information is readily accessible by the public;
  • You must not engage in any other conduct that is corrupt or fraudulent, or creates an actual or apparent conflict of interest for the member, or otherwise risks impairing public confidence in the integrity and/or the honest and orderly conduct of the tour and/or any tournament or match

WPBSA anti-corruption

  • Zero tolerance approach
  • Integrity unit and sharing of intelligence
  • Confidential contact line and email
  • Intelligence and investigations capability
  • Working with other sports
  • Working with anti-corruption bodies

If in doubt – contact us:

Nigel Mawer: +447973 989986

Confidential hotline: +44(0)7305 964578

Confidential email address: 

Social Media Guidelines

The WPBSA has issued guidelines concerning the use of social media in order to help its members utilise it effectively.

Mental Health Support

The WPBSA has identified a need to provide a confidential and professional clinical service to its Members and has a partnership with Sporting Chance to provide advice and support to professional players.

The WPBSA has also signed up to support the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation.

For more information please visit our dedicated Mental Health Support section.

WPBSA – Sport Development Work and Your Role

The WPBSA as a governing body and players association has as its core objective to protect the future of the game. As part of this we have a Sport Development Manager, a Head of Coaching and a Club & Facilities Manager working on projects to increase participation, improve facilities and increase the number of coaches through schemes such as Cue Zone into Schools.

As players you are role models to the next generation of players and so it is important that you understand your impact on fans, spectators and future tour players. Being a good role model and ambassador for the sport will open more doors and sponsorship opportunities for you, so look to get involved in as many community/grass roots projects as possible!

Learn more about the WPBSA’s development team.