Rob Reed Q&A

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Today we continue to celebrate Coaching Week with UK Coaching and speak to Rob Reed, another of our WPBSA World Snooker Coaches about what makes Great Coaching…

What made you get into coaching?

Whilst serving with the British Military in Germany, I spent most evenings away from work at the local snooker club. There I met a gentleman, now very good friend, who was obsessed with analysing technique. We spend many hours analysing and learning the game and then coaching each other to incorporate these techniques fluently into our game. The more we learnt the more we loved the game. This drive for further self-development led me to take the coaching course to be able to get the very best from the sessions.

What joy do you get from coaching?

I frequently look back at when my players first came to me. I always do an initial assessment and make notes on their technique, how they perform and what areas need the most work. As I am very particular about record keeping, I still have these for every player I have coached. Looking back and seeing how far they have come is an incredible feeling. Mostly, they don’t see it because they concentrate on the next step to get better; good! But it is important to look at where you’ve come from in order to drive your self-belief that the next step is possible and well worth every effort.

What do you think great coaching is?

Coaching is a very personal thing. The relationship between a player and their coach is closer than you would find in a student-teacher relationship. I frequently think about my players and how they are getting on. I get nervous when they play in competitions. I get upset when they get upset. I am joyous when they are. This relationship, helping shape their game and become a better player is what coaching is about; all coaching. But combining that with the game I love, snooker… incredible.

What is your favourite session to run?

By far my favourite lesson to deliver is side spin. When dispelling the myths and fears about imparting (intentional) side, you see the ‘click’ realisation in the players eyes about the possibilities now available to them. Their confidence grows and they tend to think about position and shot selection in a different way. Because of this change in thought, you see their admiration for the game grow.

Learn more about Rob’s coaching services at his website.

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