WPBSA Launches International Snooker Coaching Course Accreditation

Home » WPBSA Launches International Snooker Coaching Course Accreditation

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) is today pleased to announce the launch of a new process through which regional and nationally recognised coaching schemes around the world can receive WPBSA accreditation.

The new process aims to further the development of snooker coaching around the world, supporting existing coaching schemes run by recognised bodies by incorporating key elements of the WPBSA Coaching Programme. This will include the Safeguarding and Child Protection training developed by the WPBSA through its partnerships with UK Coaching and the NSPCC.

Accredited courses will receive equivalent stats to the Level 1 WPBSA Snooker Coach qualification, with successful coaches becoming eligible to progress to the 1st4sport Level 2 and Level 3 courses, subject to the entry criteria of each course.

The launch follows successful pilot courses trialled by the European Billiards and Snooker Association (EBSA) in Serbia and Portugal at which 30 coaches from 18 different countries received training.

Chris Lovell, WPBSA Head of Coaching and Training Development said: “As the official world governing body for snooker the WPBSA is committed to support the coaching of our sport across the globe. Through our new accreditation process we can recognise the good practice that is currently being delivered and offer additional support to enhance snooker coaching, in particular the promotion of the safety of children and adults at risk around the world.

“I would also like to thank PJ Nolan and all of the coaches who took part in our pilot courses in Serbia and Portugal for their support.”

Any national or regional federations who are interested in working together with the WPBSA are invited to contact Chris Lovell who will be able to provide support on programme design and training with the full resource of the WPBSA Coaching team.