An Open Letter from Simon Berrisford

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Ahead of the festive period, EPSB Operations Director Simon Berrisford has issued an open letter to everyone involved with amateur snooker in England to reflect on a year like no other and of plans for 2021…

Dear all,

First of all during this challenging time, on behalf of the EPSB I hope that you are keeping well and would like to pass on our appreciation for your patience in our desire to return to play.

It has been a very frustrating year for all players, referees, club owners and officials in England. As each government change comes along, we look for ways and means to conclude the outstanding events of the 2019/20 season, enjoy a successful finals weekend and prepare for a new season.

Unfortunately, with each new government announcement, there has been a problem that has prevented us from being able to return to play so far. We had high hopes for the most recent changes to the current ‘tier’ system – especially with the exemption for under-18 players – however upon closer examination of the players involved and the tiers they reside in, it became clear that there are too many players who would have to travel from different tiered areas to be able to conclude the events at this time.

We have also taken into consideration players in tier 3 areas that cannot access a snooker club to practice. We feel this is a big disadvantage to these players and would not be in the spirit of the sport to allow an uneven playing field to exist in this way.

With this in mind we have made the decision to wait until the tiered system is reviewed in January and hopefully we can plan a return to play at that point.

Away from the baize may I on behalf of the EPSB board and staff wish you all a very happy Christmas. We remain confident that next year we will be back in the clubs holding events and progressing amateur snooker into next season.

Simon Berrisford

EPSB Operations Director