Final Tickets Sold Out

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Tickets for the final of the Betfred World Championship are sold out. The final takes place on Saturday and Sunday.

The UK Government has confirmed that the last two days of the tournament at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield can go ahead with an audience.

FANS WHO ALREADY HAD TICKETSYour ticket is the e-ticket that you have received via email from the Crucible Theatre. You will need this e-ticket to gain entry to the Crucible.

If you are concerned that you have not received your e-ticket, please check your junk mail in your email account.

Please read the information below in advance of attending the tournament. We look forward to welcoming you to the Crucible Theatre.

We strongly urge all fans coming to the Crucible to read the below Code of Conduct before travelling.

Spectator Code of Conduct

Please be aware that this code is intended to keep us all as safe as we can be, and to reduce the risks wherever possible associated with Covid-19.

Compliance to this code is a way of showing respect for fellow spectators whilst on site at this event, any non-compliance could result in the jeopardising of public health which is a risk we cannot take, and therefore all mandatory items listed below must be adhered to for entry to this event:

1. First and foremost spectators should carry out their own personal risk assessment prior to attending the event. Spectators should take into consideration your age, health status and clinical vulnerability, and that of any others attending within their party.

2. Please note that the current government guidance allows for up to six persons to meet from two households, therefore if you are booking for persons outside of two households you will need to place separate orders for those additional tickets.

3. Travel to and from the Crucible Theatre must also be considered within your decision to attend this event, please visit the Crucible website for all travel options. Owing to social distancing, local public transport service providers might only be able to offer limited services with reduced capacities and reduced timetables so we ask that where you are looking to use public transport to attend the venue, you plan your use of public transport carefully and refer to the latest guidance from the public transport providers. We encourage spectators to walk or cycle to the Crucible where possible, please visit for details of local cycling routes.

4. Tickets must be purchased in advance and the box office will not be open to sell tickets on the day. All tickets will be available from, please note that all tickets will go off sale at 18:00 on the day before the session.

5. Spectator hygiene

a. At all times and in all areas of Tudor Square and the Crucible Theatre, please observe social distancing and avoid close contact with any others not in your social bubble, including hugs and high-fives.

b. We ask that all spectators maintain good hand hygiene, please use the sanitiser stations provided around the venue and avoid touching your face or any unnecessary surfaces.

c. Please observe respiratory etiquette and always cover your mouth if needing to cough or sneeze.

6. Food and Drink

Please be advised that you are permitted to bring your own food and drink, within the following parameters:

• Plastic containers are permitted, please do not bring glass or cans

• Snacks are permitted, please be considerate to the usual rules of play when opening items

• No alcohol or hot food

• Food and drink may only be consumed while in your allocated seat

7. Upon arrival to the Crucible

a) Spectators will be permitted access the Crucible Theatre 30 minutes prior to the published session start time, any queuing will take place on Tudor Square outside of the venue. Earlier arrival to the building will not be possible.

b) There will be toilets on Tudor Square that spectators have access to, prior to entering the building.

c) At the point of entering the Crucible Theatre we will supply all audience members with a face mask. Spectators will be instructed to wear this mask whilst moving around inside the venue. This is for the combined protection of yourself and all audience members.

d) As you enter the building wearing your face mask, your contactless ticket will be scanned on your mobile device, your bag will be checked and you will then be asked to go directly to your allocated seat.

e) Please note that the foyer areas within the Crucible Theatre will not be serving any food or beverages and we ask that you do not loiter in these spaces whilst inside the building.

f) When you arrive at your designated seat you are welcome to remove your mask, we ask that you remain in your seat and that before you leave your seat you replace your facemasks.

g) If a spectator needs to utilise the toilet facilities during a match, they should try to wait until the end of a frame and wear their facemask.

h) To minimise face-to-face contact we insist that all spectators turn their backs if they need to pass other spectators.

i) Whilst in the venue, please follow signs and obey instructions from stewards and public address announcements.

8. At the end of the session, we will allow audience members to exit one row at a time and this will be done via the designated exit aisles. We ask that all audience members remain seated until we indicate to them that their aisle is ready to leave.

9. Any spectators with accessible tickets, including wheelchair spaces, are encouraged to notify the stewarding team and will be escorted to the front of any queues to give more time for entry, and to be assisted with lift access if required. Please note that only these spectators will be able to utilise the lifts.

10. Spectators must not attend the venue if they are displaying Covid-19 symptoms and agree that if any member of their party was to develop Covid-19 symptoms in the interim, that they will not attend the event. WST will refund any tickets for this reason. A list of Covid-19 symptoms is shown below:

Cough in the last 7 days

Unusual Shortness of Breath on activity for two or more consecutive days

New Shortness of Breath at rest

Fever/Feeling Hot/Sweating

Loss of Smell

Loss of Taste

Red Eyes or Sticky Eyes


New Runny Nose

New Blocked Nose

Sore Throat