WPBSA World Snooker Coaching Course Details Confirmed for 2020

Home » WPBSA World Snooker Coaching Course Details Confirmed for 2020

We can today confirm the full details of our upcoming courses for 2020 which provide all with the opportunity to become part of our official coaching network.

For the first time the WPBSA World Snooker Coaching Programme will offer three levels of qualification, from our Level 1 Community Award, the accredited 1st4sport Level 2 course and now our all-new Level 3 qualification for advanced candidates.

As in previous years, courses will be held in England with leading venues in the north and south of the country carefully selected with the facilities to offer both the academic and practical elements of each course. Both are officially approved WPBSA coaching venues and are members of the 147 Club affiliation scheme overseen by the English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards.

Overseen and developed by WPBSA Head of Coaching and Training Development Manager Chris Lovell, courses are delivered by leading coach Andrew Highfield, together with six-time world champion Steve Davis and recent UK Championship quarter-finalist Nigel Bond.

Northern Snooker Centre

The first courses of the year will be held at the iconic Northern Snooker Centre in Leeds, extending an existing relationship which has seen several coaches gain their qualification the venue in recent years.

Conveniently situated close to the Holiday Inn Express at which the classroom aspect of each course can be delivered, the Northern is then the perfect environment for on-table training with 27 full-size snooker tables available.

During 2020 the venue will host Level 1 courses in both March and October, as well as the 1st4sport Level 2 course this month.

Crucible Sports and Social Club

In a change to our southern event venue we will be heading to all-new Crucible Sports and Social Club venue in Reading for the first time.

Housing seven full-size snooker tables, the club is also the home of the current match table used by seven-time world champion Stephen Hendry, including several of the trophies won by the Scot during his illustrious career.

With free car parking and situated within walking distance of the train station, the venue is easily accessible with wheelchair access on the ground floor where all snooker tables are situated.

The venue will host its first courses in June (Level 1) and September (Level 2).

Full 2020 course dates

WPBSA World Snooker Level 1 Coach

  • Sat 28 March 2020 (Holiday Inn Express, Leeds City Centre)
  • Sat 27 June 2020 (The Crucible Sports & Social Club, Reading)
  • Sat 24 October 2020 (Holiday Inn Express, Leeds City Centre)

The course costs £199 inc VAT (without a DBS check) or £247.16 (with a DBS check).

1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Snooker Coaching

  • Sat 22 February – Tues 25 February 2020 (Holiday Inn Express, Leeds City Centre)
  • Sat 26 September – Tues 29 September 2020 (The Crucible Sports & Social Club, Reading)

The course costs £650.00 inc VAT (without a DBS check) or £698.16 (with a DBS check).

1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Snooker Coaching (Advanced)

This course is initially 6-days. All days must be attended to work towards our Level 3 qualification.

  • Sat 6 June – Thu 11 June 2020, in Leeds

The course costs £1,295.00 (inc VAT). Minimum number of 8, maximum number of 12 delegates.

Apply Now

If you wish to attend one of our courses and become a certified WPBSA World Snooker Coach, please complete the application form.

If applying for the Level 2 course you must also read and sign the Entry Requirements for this course which can be found here.