Parliamentary Snooker Group Chairman Praises WPBSA Response to COVID-19

Home » Parliamentary Snooker Group Chairman Praises WPBSA Response to COVID-19

The Co-Chairman of the UK Parliament’s All-Party Group for Snooker, Lincoln MP Karl McCartney has spoken about the impressive response by WPBSA to the restrictions required in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Snooker comprises MPs and Peers from any political party and exists solely to support the sport of snooker.  It works closely with the WPBSA to promote the sport and challenge issues it faces, including COVID-19.

Karl McCartney MP said:

“Snooker is a huge global sport, particularly in China.  As a global governing body, the WPBSA was therefore necessarily ahead of many national NGBs and had already seen the impact of the restrictions imposed.

“The APPG has been in regular contact with the WPBSA and has received its excellent guidance documentation for snooker to return as soon as specific restrictions are lifted.  I have sent that draft guidance today to the Sports Minister so he is aware and will, hopefully, ensure snooker as a playable sport will be able to return swiftly.”

The APPG has been receiving regular updates from the WPBSA and McCartney and co-Chairman, Blaenau Gwent MP Nick Smith, will be joining a meeting with directors next week to discuss the sports’ ongoing response to current circumstances.

McCartney continued, “At times like this, you see the best in people.  Snooker is more than just a sport; it is hugely important for people of all ages throughout the UK.  I have seen how hard the staff at WPBSA have been working to ensure the sport of snooker is in a position to return as soon as possible.  They should be congratulated on their response.”