WPBSA Statement – Joe Perry

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After a hearing before the WPBSA Disciplinary Committee that took place on 18th July 2017 Joe Perry admitted that between 2009 and 2013 he had breached the WPBSA Members Rules by placing bets on Matches using five different betting accounts in his own name.

The facts of the case are that between 23rd September 2009 and 3rd June 2013 Mr Perry placed 193 bets on snooker with 5 different online betting operators. None of these bets involved his own matches, but it did include bets on matches in tournaments Mr Perry competed in.

The bets in question were relatively small in value to a total of £2,806.49 over the four year period where he made an overall profit of £832.09. There was one account where the betting could not be quantified due to a lack of data.

From the outset Mr Perry fully admitted betting on snooker over a four year period in contravention of the WPBSA Members Rules and fully cooperated with the WPBSA enquiry.

There is no suggestion whatsoever that Mr Perry was doing anything to influence match outcomes or engaged in any corrupt activity, he was solely betting on snooker.

He was suspended from playing in WPBSA sanctioned events for a period of three months. This suspension is suspended in full until after the 2018 World Championships. He was ordered to pay a fine of £2,500.

The WPBSA Members Rules prohibit any betting on snooker by a Member:

Post August 2009 The WPBSA Members Rules Betting Rules state:

2. Betting misconduct

2.1 It shall be a breach of these Rules for a Member to do any of the following:

2.1.1 Betting: to place, accept, lay or otherwise make a Bet with any other person in relation to the result, score, progress, conduct or any other  aspect of the Tour and/or any Tournament or Match in events sanctioned by the WPBSA, WSL or WBL;