WPBSA Update on Re-Opening of Snooker Clubs in England

Home » WPBSA Update on Re-Opening of Snooker Clubs in England

The potential date for the re-opening of snooker clubs in England was discussed in London last Thursday (4 June) at a meeting organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Snooker between WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson and UK Minister for Sport, Tourism and Heritage Nigel Huddleston MP.

The meeting took place during a week which saw the return of professional snooker to television screens with the Matchroom.Live Championship League from the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes. Members of Parliament were delighted to see snooker set an example as one of the first sports to return from 1 June.

Following our recent submissions we also remain committed to supporting the re-opening of clubs for amateur players as soon as it is safe to do so and after the meeting can provide a further update.

The recently published government paper titled “OUR PLAN TO REBUILD: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy” stated that from 4 July the ambition of the government is to:

“open at least some of the remaining businesses and premises that have been required to close, including personal care (such as hairdressers and beauty salons) hospitality(such as food service providers, pubs and accommodation), public places (such as places of worship) and leisure facilities (like cinemas).”

The WPBSA position is that snooker clubs may fall within these criteria – provided that COVID-19 guidelines are strictly followed. This is also subject to guidance from both central government and local authorities across England being met by each individual club.

We will continue to liaise closely with our affiliated clubs that are part of the 147 Club network and are looking to set up further online meetings with them over the coming days to discuss the safe re-opening of clubs directly.

We will also publish further guidance in due course as to the measures that all clubs should follow to be able to operate safely and in accordance with government guidance.

Learn more about the 147 Club and how your club can join our official network of clubs which meet the minimum standards we expect of a safe and enjoyable snooker environment: https://www.epsb.co.uk/the-147-club/