WPBSA Annual General Meeting 2022

Home » WPBSA Annual General Meeting 2022

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) has today (Tuesday 13 December 2022) held its Annual General Meeting during the BetVictor English Open in Brentwood.

It was announced that following an independent review Jason Ferguson will continue as WPBSA Chairman and as a governance director for a further four years.

The AGM also saw the Accounts and Directors Report, including the latest independently audited accounts, presented to the membership and they were unanimously accepted by the meeting.

The AGM for WPBSA Players was also successfully held during the day in front of its members.

Jason Ferguson, WPBSA Chairman said: “I am honoured to continue to serve this great sport and even more honoured to be able to serve our players.

“Snooker has been my life and I remain as enthused by the opportunities and the challenges ahead as I have ever been, particularly as international travel begins to open up around the world once again.

“I would like to thank my fellow directors and our sport development team who continue to push this sport forward, as well as the players who continue to take our sport to new levels.”